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Interview with LuckyGnom by AgFox_Cathy
Date: 27.02.2010
Author: LuckyGnom.CooKie
Links: n/a

There have been 10 days seen AgFox merged with DreamS. In such a big day zunge raus, I interviewed the ex-captain of Clan Dream, who is now our dear teammate-LG. To be honest, at the beginning of the interview, I was kind of neverous. Cause Im afraid we will have some difficulities in mutual understanding-Since we have different culture and background. While during the interview, I come to find LG is really friendly. He is also working on solving our communication problem. He has even got a textbook to learn about Chinese! I think we can try to talk to him more. And I believe our team will be more and more international. Following is the content of the interview:

Cathy:Hello LG ^_^ Could you please introduce yourself to us first?
LG:Hi cathy ^^ My name is Artem Mehonoshin, Im 20 years old, Im from Russia and Im playing for AgFox DreamS wc3 team right now.

Cathy:Hehe. As I know, your are acting as both manager and player, right?
LG:well, im helping our managers to contact with league admins and hosts, but i dont like to say "im manager". I were him for 5 years so im bored of this and wanna just play.

Cathy:Hmm.I understand. Manager is a hard and boring work zunge raus By now, Clan AgFox and Clan DreamS have been merged for 10 days. Whats your greastest feeling during these days?
LG:> Manager is a hard and boring work.It is not really boring, but doing all the same for a lots of years is really boring.
Well, Im happy that DreamS are still alive even in another format. I think wc3 for China will be soon like sc1 for Korea so it is nice that DreamS now is Chinise team - it is much more perspective than to be korean team, but im sad that lots of korean players decided to leave us, since I was team captain I really loved them like my childrens. Anyway Im happy that Im in still in asian team because i dont really like to be in Russian wc3 teams.

Cathy:I'm sorry for that. Hope you will make new friends and get fun here. Well,why you like Asian teams better than Russian teams?
LG:Asians usually more serious about gaming, they practice more and more organised with things like: to come on the matches in time or to be more preparing for match. There is only two problems in asian teams: since i dont know chinise yet (i hope i will learn it later, i already got a textbook about it) some members cant understand me and i cant understand them so I think some of them can think "what the hell this russian doing with us? i dont like him"; and the second problem is trainins - it is not too easy to find USA host for our practce.
Also I want to say "excuse me" to funeral and fever - they wrote me about practicing and i just ignored them bcuz I was afk - thats all about different time zones, sorry guys.

Cathy:Never mind,they are used to be igorned.XDDDD It seems you have a lot of work to do.Help managers to contect,train yourself,and even find a textbook to learn about Chinese! How can you be so serious! zunge raus Well,you still need to go to school,don't you?
LG:Yes, Im studying on the 4th course of unversity and this year I have some kind of final work for getting diploma. It is okey right now, but there will be wcg qualifiers closer to summer and i should pass exams and show my final work to teachers in the same time - so that time will be very hard unglcklich The most funny thing that after i will get a diploma i will continue studing anyway.

Cathy:- -!Well.....I can only say,good luck.Don't worry, we'll try our best to do some help in wcg qualifiers. Tomorrow our brand-new team AgFox][DreamS is going to have its firest battle in PTGL. ZQ told me hes kind of nervous.XD What about you? Are you confident of our success?
LG: DreamS played vs InfC for some times and I know them enought well. They have 2 good players: Pride (orc) and HolyHuman (hum) if we will win them we will win the match for sure. ArseniX - not the most strongest Germany team won them already on the another league with score 4-1 ... d=16:quali#comments after this result I think we can do the same. I hope we will win with score like 6:3
Anyway thats only the first match in PTGL season and if we will lose some points thats will not be a tragedy.

Cathy:That's really specific. Hope we can make it! OK. Then, I have some questions from our teammates.lcheln
LG:haha, thats should be funny. lets go zwinkern

Cathy:AgFox]Well wanna ask you that, are Russian girls sexy?
LG:Yes, most of russian girls have nice body and pretty faces, but I love all girls what are in my style and i dont care about nationality. For example most of korean girls are nice (one of my lovely is ToSSGirl, even on not photoshopped photos) or chinse girls are pretty too (like cathy - you have nice face, i like it).

Cathy: Hmm....A.. Thank u.... U have seen my photo?I'm a little surprised.
LG:well, i hope it was yours @ agfoxe forum. Im registered @ tatazu for a long time.
ive registered there when I started to watch lots of chinise video-streams and repalys of semi-pro players like for 1.5 year ago maybe.

Cathy:Yeah..I think it is. lcheln If u need translation of the sth on tatazu,I'm glad to do some help. Hmm..AgFox]shihuai asked, do you have girl friend right now?
LG:hah, Is shihuai a boy? ^.^

LG:funny that he asks this -) No, I havent a girlfriend, even im not a close guy and I contact with girls. Anyway I dont sad about this - one day I will find my love and only God knows where it will be. Maybe I still havent girlfriend because God wanna to be me with some girl from other country or something.

Cathy: lcheln AgFox]fanta wanna know if you like Chinese girls?
LG:Like I've already sayed I dont care about nationality if i really i like this person. So - yes, I like chinise girls.

Cathy: OK. It's a nice thing to chat with you.lcheln Plz say something to us in the end.
LG:I hope that starcraft2 will not kill chinise wc3 scene, I hope that AgFox will show good results and will qualify at WCIP in the next season and I hope I will show good results to have a chance to play matches and not to be only reserve player. So i wish good luck to wc3 scene, AgFox and me. Also I hope that I will come to China one day and meet you guys - I hope I will have a chance for that because I dont wanna to keep it just a words since I want to live and work for some time in China at the future.
And in the end i wish AgFox to find a good sponsor and to be a really progamer team like eX, E3 or WE. Good luck all, I love you. Zaihian ^_^

Cathy:We love you too^_^ Waiting for your come lcheln And thank you for your time.

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#1 by AgFox_Cathy Clanmember 02.03.2010 - 07:44
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